Efter ett par års frånvaro så är det snart dags för Vert Attack igen. Vi tog ett litet snack med den legendariska Vert attack-speakern Stan Postmus.
Vert Attack without you would not feel alright. So we are all happy you will come back and grab the mic as usual. But at which Vert Attack did you start doing the speaker job?
Thanks for the kind words! I’ve jumped on board of the Vert Attack train for their fourth edition I believe? It was wild and it keeps getting crazier every year!
Speaking of every year. Covid has come in between and stopped VA for two years. How do you think it will be to at this years edition of VA with an pause like that? There are lot of new talent out there now..
I think there will be so much energy inside that building once the skating starts popping. It’s gonna blow my mind and hopefully many other people’s minds too. Everybody has been waiting for this contest to happen again and now the moment is finally here. What do YOU think is going to happen?!? Mayhem my friend…
This would be my first vert attack experience so I can only imagine how its going to blow my mind too. I have been watching the live webcast and its superfun to see all the different themes every year. What theme has been your favourite so far?
Next year’s theme is always my favourite.
How comfortable do you feel on the trick names? I have tried do some speaker jobs. But the trick names stresses me out. Do you have a vert background yourself?
I mess up on trick names all the time man! My bad, sorry skateboard historians. I do however feel like it really isn’t that much of a big deal though because if the frontside indy is really radical I try to focus the energy on that, on how radical that shit is, whatever it may be called…. frido jugid mumbo jumbo!
I don’t have a background in vert skating whatsoever, I started in the streets and gradually worked my way up to the trannies. Only recently did my hometown get some proper vertical planes and I’m loving it! Bucky & Jimmy better look out…
What has been the top three memories from VA?
Oh man… my brain is fried from all the epic stuff that has gone down! To me Vert Attack isn’t so much about which tricks went down but more about how much energy we can generate as a collective. I couldn’t make a top threehundred and thirtythreethousand best memories even if I tried!
I understand. I take it as VA is so full off things happening that its all about the complete experience. One year I remember you lost your voice. Do you have any plans and tricks on how not to loose your voice?
If I wouldn’t completely destroy my voice it wouldn’t be a good Vert Attack. To hell with it!
Actually that doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t depend on my voice whatsoever. I’m just trying to say that if I didn’t lose my voice I was probably half assing it!
Haha! Thats the spirit. What do you do after you come home from Vert attack? I imagine you go to a spa, shave your head like a monk, meditate and dont talk to anybody for few days…
That’s it! That right there. Meditate in between my crystals to recalibrate my aura. The whole nineyards.
I like to build concrete skateparks and chill with my family. In the time that remains I like to skate and shoot the shit with my friends.
What song pops up on your mind when you think of Vert attack?
No specific song popping up, sorry. I do remember this one awesome afterparty with DJ Reis Johnson though! Cher, Vengaboys, shit was real…
Talking about DJs. I am going to be DJ at Vert attack this year. Is Reign in blood with Slayer a mandatory song for the finals still?
Skateboarding has no rules. ’We’re going to Ibiza, whoa!’